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Why Businesses Should Monitor Email Activity and Why You Should Start Now

Beyond mere oversight, monitoring email activity provides businesses with a wealth of insights that can be harnessed for enhanced productivity, security, and informed decision-making. 

This comprehensive guide explores the why, real-life benefits, best practices, tools available, and the transformative role of Email Meter in elevating email monitoring to new heights.

Why Businesses Should Monitor Email Activity

There are various reasons why businesses should monitor email activity; here are some of the most compelling of them.

1. Productivity Enhancement

A study published in the Harvard Business Review examined the email communication patterns of employees within a large corporation. The research found that certain communication patterns, such as excessive CC'ing and lengthy email threads, were associated with decreased productivity and increased stress. 

Similarly, an Atlassian study also found that companies waste about $1800 per employee per year on unnecessary emails. For poorly written communications, the figure is even higher at over $2000, at least.

As such, understanding how employees engage with email can help identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to streamline workflows – while cutting costs. At the same time, it enables businesses to optimize workflows and enhance overall productivity. 

2. Risk Mitigation

Additionally, proactive monitoring helps businesses identify and mitigate risks associated with malicious activities, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access. By staying ahead of potential threats, organizations can protect their assets and maintain a secure digital environment.

3. Resource Optimization

Similarly, monitoring email activity provides valuable insights into resource utilization. When businesses can monitor email patterns, organizations can optimize server resources, allocate storage effectively, and ensure that email systems operate at peak efficiency.

4. Insights for Strategic Decision-Making

The data derived from email monitoring can serve as a valuable resource for strategic decision-making. From refining marketing strategies to improving internal communication, businesses can make informed choices that align with organizational goals.

Real-Life Use Cases: Benefits Derived from Monitoring Email Activity

Want to see how these benefits translate in the real world? Here are some use cases to consider.

1. Employee Productivity Enhancement

A multinational corporation can also leverage email monitoring to analyze communication workflows. The insights gained will enable the organization to streamline internal processes, reducing email response times and enhancing overall employee productivity.

Email response times, for example, are a great indicator of team productivity. Customer success teams, account managers, and sales teams need to track and analyze email response times for key accounts to increase retention and conversion rates. 

The same goes for SLA response time. SLAs, which outline standards and expectations between a service provider and its customers, help build enduring partnerships. And email monitoring can give you granular insights into how your team is doing to enable better results.

2. Security Incident Response

In the event of a security incident, a technology company will be able to utilize email monitoring to trace the origin and scope of a potential data breach. The timely response, informed by email activity analysis, can prove instrumental to mitigating the impact of the breach and strengthening the organization's cybersecurity posture.

3. Policy Adherence and Employee Training

A healthcare provider, for its part, can also use email monitoring to ensure adherence to data privacy policies. By identifying instances of non-compliance through email analysis, the organization can implement targeted employee training programs, fostering a culture of security awareness.

Best Practices on How to Monitor Email Activity

1. Establish clear monitoring policies. 

Define clear policies outlining the purpose and scope of email monitoring. Communicate these policies transparently to employees and emphasize the organization's commitment to security and compliance.

2. Utilize advanced analytics tools and define email activity KPIs.

Businesses can also leverage advanced analytics tools to gain comprehensive insights into email activity, as well as define key performance indicators or KPIs to improve efficiency and productivity. Platforms like Google Analytics, Mailchimp Analytics, and Email Meter offer sophisticated features for tracking email interactions, recipient engagement, and campaign effectiveness. 

At the same time, some platforms are equipped to help businesses like yours define email activity KPIs like email response times, SLAs, and more. Email Meter, for instance, creates custom dashboards that deliver better data quality so you can confidently make data-driven decisions.

3. Implement regular audits. 

Conduct regular audits of email activity to identify anomalies, security threats, and potential compliance issues. An established routine for monitoring and auditing can ensure ongoing visibility into email interactions.

4. Educate employees on security awareness. 

Also, make sure to empower employees with knowledge of email security best practices. Conduct regular training sessions to enhance their awareness of phishing threats, security protocols, and the importance of responsible email usage.

5. Integrate email monitoring with security systems. 

Integrate email monitoring with broader security systems to create a unified approach to threat detection and response. By combining email activity insights with network security data, organizations can strengthen their overall cybersecurity posture.

What is the Best Tool to Monitor Email Activity?

Although this may come across as bias, because we are Email Meter, we truly believe we are the best tool to monitor email activity. We specialized in this niche and decided to build multiple solutions: Email Meter (which has a Free, Pro, and Teams version) and Email Meter Enterprise, which offers a custom analytics dashboard providing in-depth insights into email analytics tailored to your needs and current email workflows.

How Email Meter Elevates Email Monitoring

Email Meter provides comprehensive analytics that go beyond basic monitoring.

1. Detailed Analytics

Email Meter offers detailed analytics on email communication, including metrics such as email volume, response times, top senders and recipients, busiest times of day, and email thread lengths. This level of detail allows organizations to gain a comprehensive understanding of their email workflows and identify areas for improvement.

2. Data Quality with Custom Dashboards

With our custom dashboard that ensures data quality for data-driven decisions, we understand your email workflow and can provide quality metrics and trends, over time. Your users can tailor reports to their specific needs, focusing on the metrics most relevant to their goals and objectives.

3. Real-time Monitoring

Additionally, Email Meter offers real-time monitoring of email activity, allowing organizations to track email communication as it happens. This enables timely interventions and adjustments to email workflows to address issues or capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

4. Identifying Communication Bottlenecks

By analyzing email communication patterns and response times, Email Meter helps organizations identify communication bottlenecks and areas where emails may be getting stuck or delayed. This insight enables organizations to streamline communication workflows and improve overall efficiency.

5. Optimizing Response Times

Email Meter also provides insights into email response times, helping organizations track and optimize the speed at which emails are being responded to. By identifying trends and patterns in response times, organizations can implement strategies to improve responsiveness and customer satisfaction.

6. Optimizing SLA Response Times

Paying attention to your SLA response time is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it directly impacts customer satisfaction and brand perception by demonstrating prompt attention to customer concerns. Secondly, efficient response times improve operational efficiency and can serve as a competitive differentiator, positioning your business as a leader in customer service within the market.

Using Email Meter, your organization can not only meet but also surpass SLA response time targets, cultivate a culture of prompt acknowledgment, and enhance the overall quality of customer interactions.

7. Conducting Sentiment Analysis

Email Meter can also analyze the sentiment expressed within emails, providing valuable insights into customer emotions and enabling businesses to gauge satisfaction levels and identify potential issues. This feature facilitates proactive responses, helping to address concerns promptly and improve overall customer experience. With Email Meter's sentiment analysis, businesses can effectively track and manage email interactions, leading to more informed decision-making and increased customer satisfaction.

8. Tracking Team Performance

If you need a robust platform for monitoring ream performance, Email Meter can also help. Email Meter allows organizations to track team performance and individual productivity metrics related to email communication. This enables managers to identify top performers, identify areas for improvement, and allocate resources more effectively.

9. Improving Collaboration

Email Meter helps organizations understand how teams are working together and collaborating via email by analyzing email thread lengths and collaboration metrics. This insight enables organizations to foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork and identify opportunities for cross-functional collaboration.

10. Data-driven Decision Making

Lastly, Email Meter provides organizations with actionable insights and data-driven recommendations to optimize email workflows and improve communication effectiveness. By leveraging these insights, organizations can make informed decisions to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and drive better outcomes.

Want to see all these in action? Request a demo to learn more.

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